This week, I've had several of you ask -
How do you clean the bottle and pump parts?
The NHS have a webpage devoted to this topic. You should read theirs if you want the official advice.
However, if lived experience is what you'd like to read about, here is our family cleaning schedule for you! Let me know how you find it and if you have any tips of your own please email or DM me.
Rather watch how to do it? Find the reel here
Get the detailed version with tips + product links below
Things you'll need
Washing Up Bowl - link to buy
Fragrance Free Washing Up Liquid - link to buy
Bottle Brush & Teat Cleaner - Dr Brown Baby Bottle Brush - link to buy
Bottle Rack - link to buy
The Routine
Everything in a separate washing-up bowl
Rinse & place used items into the bowl
Fill bowl with hot soapy water
Soak for a few minutes
Scrub with bottle brush & teat cleaner
Place all scrubbed items onto bottle rack.
Rinse all clean items
Place on bottle rack and allow to air dry
OPTIONAL: Go onto next step of sterilising.
The routine: in detail
Image owned by Little Pumpling
Everything in a separate washing up bowl
In the early days, we'd put all the used bottles on the kitchen side. The pile would get bigger and bigger until they needed to be washed. When I was healed enough to come downstairs into the kitchen, I realised how disorganised it looked and decided from then on we'd use a separate washing up bowl for all of babies feeding equipment. This way, they could be moved quickly into the sink, moved away from the sink when preparing food and kept food & drink dirt away from it all. All in all, a separate bowl allows for best hygiene practise.
I have since learnt that this method is recommended by the American Centre for Disease Control (CDC). They recommend a separate bowl with this line "Do not wash directly in the sink because it may contain germs that could contaminate these items." I've heard this advice is due to a baby getting sick from a bacteria found in the plug hole of the sink. However, I can't find the article anywhere. If someone has it can they email it in - I'd like to know if it's a reputable source.
Rinse & place used items into the bowl
Before you place used bottles and pump parts in the bowl. Pour out any leftover milk and rinse before putting in the washing up bowl. This way, you'll avoid dried on formula or breastmilk which can smell and be harder to scrub off later on!
"Infant formulas, specifically reflux formula is very thick and becomes very sticky when left for a while before washing. Best advice, save yourself time and rinse it out. You might be too tried now but you'll be even more tired later on when you're trying to scrub to remove it" - C
Fill bowl with hot soapy water
It's simple but it's an important step.
Soak for a few minutes
Leave all bottles & pump parts to soak in the hot water. Leave for a few minutes, this helps with two things, budges some of the dried milk away and also stops you burning your fingers. Win Win.
"I always add a glug of White Vinegar to the bowl to help dirt come away from bottles" - L
Scrub with bottle brush & teat cleaner
You have to be thorough. Scrub all insides and outsides of the bottles with the brush. Try and get into every neck and flange tunnel. We bought a thin bottle cleaner to get into the small gaps. of the spectra back flows. I just picked it up from amazon. As it's not 'baby' approved so I'm reluctant to link it!
Place all scrubbed items onto bottle rack
As each item is cleaned, place it on the rack. This helps you not go crazy trying to figure out which ones you've cleaned and which you need to do!
Rinse all clean items
Once everything is clean, throw your water away. Now you can rinse all your items in order to get rid of the soap residue/bubbles.
Finally, Place on bottle rack and allow to air dry
Now you know how to clean bottles & pump parts.
I hope this routine has helped you learn how you'd like to clean your bottles and pump parts for your exclusive pumping journey. Remember everyone is different so if this doesn't work for you that's okay! This post was created as I'd received so many questions on the topic so it's aiming to be helpful not patronising! Always remember, you know best.
Do you have other topics you'd like me to cover? Comment below or send me a DM on instagram and I'll add it to my list.
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All my love & support,
This article is that of the opinion of the author. Consult your health visitor or GP if you want any medical advice. Little Pumpling uses affiliate links and referral codes to help maintain the community it creates. The links do not add a cost to you but if you choose to purchase an item using them we receive a small commission. Think of it as a small thank you to the author for the time and dedication taken to provide you with information on Exclusive Pumping.
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